* プログラム [#le24e57f]
** サイコロ側 [#ia291409]
*** Mbed LPC1768 [#r9dcff23]
timer interrupt
  (set current output face... the face connect with the up side node in the parse tree )
  face 0 input (photo transister 0) routine
  face 1 input (photo transister 1) routine
  face 2 input (photo transister 2) routine
  face 3 input (photo transister 3) routine
  face 4 input (photo transister 4) routine
  face 5 input (photo transister 5) routine
  current output face routine
Main routine
start loop
if there is a  command input from USB Serial (for debug) or M5Stamp/Atom Serial
then exec the command
if there is a command input from faces
then exec the command
repeat the loop
input routine
| inter face command buffer +---> message interpreter -->
| command buffer for face 0 +---> message interpreter -->
| command buffer for face 1 +---> message interpreter -->
| command buffer for face 2 +---> message interpreter -->
| command buffer for face 3 +---> message interpreter -->
| command buffer for face 4 +---> message interpreter -->
| command buffer for face 5 +---> message interpreter -->
                  USB TERMINAL
                      mbed NXP LPC1768
                1 GND                        3.3 Vout 40
                2 VIN                   5.0v USV vout 39
                3 VB                             IF-  38
                4 nR                             IF+  37
                5 p5 mosi(spi)           Ethernet RD- 36
                6 p6 miso(spi)           Ethernet RD+ 35
                7 p7 sck                 Ethernet TD- 34 
                8 p8                     Ethernet TD+ 33 
                9 p9  tx(serial)               USB D- 32 
               10 p10 rx(serial)               USB D+ 31 
               11 p11 mosi(spi)                   p30 30
               12 p12 miso(spi)                   p29 29
               13 p13 tx/sck             I2C SDA  p28 28
               14 p14 rx                 I2C SCL  p27 27
               15 p15 analog                      p26 26
               16 p16 analog                      p25 25
               17 p17 analog                      p24 24
               18 p18 analog  /out                p23 23
               19 p19 analog                      p22 22
               20 p20 analog                      p21 21
tesla dice configuration of the LPC1768
30  PE0 p30   direction 0   ---------------  LED00 LED01 LED02 LED03 LED04 LED05
29  PE1 p29   direction 1   ---------------  LED10 LED11 LED12 LED13 LED14 LED15
28  PE2 p28   direction 2   ---------------  LED20 LED21 LED22 LED23 LED24 LED25
27  PE3 p27   direction 3   ---------------  LED30 LED31 LED32 LED33 LED34 LED35
            ----                               |      |    |     |     |     |
                                               |      |    |     |     |     |
26  PE4 p26  face 0-----R150ohm----------------+      |    |     |     |     |
25  PE5 p25  face 1-----R150ohm-----------------------+    |     |     |     |
24  PE6 p24  face 2-----R150ohm----------------------------+     |     |     |
23  PE7 p23  face 3-----R150ohm----------------------------------+     |     |
22  PE8 p22  face 4-----R150ohm----------------------------------------+     |
21  PE9 p21  face 5-----R150ohm----------------------------------------------+
    REG     ... photo tr receive
15  PEA  p15  face 0  ------<<<-----
16  PEB  p16  face 1  ------<<<-----
17  PEC  p17  face 2  ------<<<-----
18  PED  p18  face 3  ------<<<-----
19  PEE  p19  face 4  ------<<<-----
20  PEF  p20  face 5  ------<<<-----
    USB Serial
        --rx---<<<--serial ---- USB
        --tx--->>>--serial ---- USB
    M5Stamp/M5Atom Serial
10      --rx---<<<--serial ---- M5Stamp/Atom
 9      --tx--->>>--serial ---- M5Stamp/Atom
○LPC1768<->LPC1768 (inter-dice )command
LPC1768->LPC1768            "srs."           start the recursive search
LPC1768<-LPC1768            "(this <dice_name_0> f<x0>d<y0>  next  <dice_name_1> f<x1>d<y1> )"
                                              return the tesla dices structure
                                                <dice_name_0>... this dice name, <dice_name_1>... next dice's name
                                               <x0> ... this face number   <x1> ... connected dice's (next dice's)  face number)
                                               <y0> ... direction between this face and next dice's face   <y1> must be <y0>
LPC1768->LPC1768            "ask <x0><x1>...<xn>." ask the tesla dices status
LPC1768->LPC1768            "set (<val>) <x0><x1>...<xn>." set the tesla dices status
○PC <->LPC1768 command ... プローブは PC<->LPC1768 で接続。各テスラダイスのデバッグでも使用。
  pc->LPC1768            "srs."           start the recursive search... プローブは 面0と仮定。
  pc<-LPC1768            "(this <dice_name_0> f<x0>d<y0>  next  <dice_name_1> f<x1>d<y1> ). ...."
                                   return the tesla dices structur
  pc->LPC1768            "con<x0>."       面<x0> の接続を確認
  pc<-LPC1768            "cf<x1><y1>"     ... <x0> は相手側の<x1>面の<y1>の向きで接続
         または   "n"              ... 接続なし。
  pc->LPC1768           "prb."           この r8 をプローブに設定
pc->LPC1768            "dce."           この r8 をテスラダイスに設定
pc->LPC1768            "mon<level>."    r8<->cpld 間の通信をモニター。(pc へ情報を送る)
                                  <level>= 0 ... モニターなし。
                                  <level>= 1 ... r8<-r8 をモニター。
                                  <level>= 2 ... r8<->cpld をモニター。
pc->LPC1768            "?."            r8 の状態を問い合わせ
pc<-LPC1768            ...
0 ... no data
1 ... outputting
2 ... output is done
3 ... buffering
4 ... ready for output
5 ... waiting ack
0 ... waiting
1 ... reading bits sequence
2 ... ready for input
inter-face commands
  sx ----->
     <---- ak
- [[common.h]]
- [[Initialize.h]]
- [[Initialize.cpp]]
- [[InBuffer.h]]
- [[InBuffer.cpp]]
- [[OutBuffer.h]]
- [[OutBuffer.cpp]]
- [[CommandBuffer.h]]
- [[CommandBuffer.cpp]]
- [[StringQueue.h]]
- [[StringQueue.cpp]]
- [[main.cpp]]
*** M5Stack Atom [#y77510c7]
- [[m5atom-wifi-ex03]]
** PC側 [#f144dd05]
- このライブラリを使わせていただいています。感謝します。
-- https://sites.google.com/site/3dprogramminginpython/
*** Cube.py [#pe49c00f]
- [[Cube.py]]
*** real2virtual_ex03.py [#u5a11a45]
- [[real2virtual_ex02.py]]

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